Consumer Inflation Expectations and Inflation Preferences


Session organised by CEBRA

Type Length Chair Room Number Add to calendar
Contributed 06/07 13:45 EDT
IAB 405
Add to Calendar 2023-07-06 13:45:00 2023-07-06 15:45:00 CEBRA 2023: Consumer Inflation Expectations and Inflation Preferences. Room: IAB 405 Session organised by CEBRA Session organised by CEBRA CEBRA 2023 America/New_York public
Presenter(s) Chair(s)
James Yetman Gurnain Pasricha Romanos Priftis Sascha Steffen Michael Weber


(Listed in order of presenters above)

The Two-Regime View of Inflation

Do Household Inflation Expectations Help Predict inflation

Read paper

Inflation Preferences

Read paper

Measuring Inflation Expectations using Twitter Data


The Two-Regime View of Inflation

Do Household Inflation Expectations Help Predict inflation

Inflation Preferences

Measuring Inflation Expectations using Twitter Data