Active Participants

Knut Are Aastveit

Norges Bank

Knut Are Aastveit is the Deputy Director of Norges Bank Research. He is also affiliated with CAMP at BI Norwegian Business School and an associate editor of the Journal of Applied Econometrics.

His research focus on empirical macroeconomics and time series. Special interests include forecasting, Bayesian econometrics, commodity prices, business cycles, housing market and monetary policy.

Gara Afonso

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Hassan Afrouzi

University of Texas at Austin

Maximilian Ahrens

University of Oxford

Max Ahrens is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Oxford University, specialising in machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) for economics. He also is a Co-Principal Investigator at the Alan Turning Institute for his research grant on Narrative Detection & Analysis. Max is the founder and chair of the conference on NLP for Social Data Science (NLP SoDaS). Prior to his doctoral studies, Max obtained an MPhil in Economics from Oxford University and worked at McKinsey and the ECB.

Ozge Akinci

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Ugo Albertazzi

European Central Bank

Gene Ambrocio

Bank of Finland

Mary Amiti

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Sriya Anbil

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Philippe Andrade

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Nikoleta Anesti

Bank of England

Kai Arvai

Banque de France

Kai Arvai is a research economist at the Banque de France since Septemeber 2021. He holds a PhD from the University of Bonn.

He does research in diverse fields of macroeconomics:

Technology and Innovation: Impact on Inequality, Direction of Technological change, Technology adoption.

International Macro: Optimal policies in a currency union, optimal exchange rate arrangements, Rise of Dominant Currencies.

Guido Ascari

De Nederlandsche Bank and University of Pavia

Sina Asshoff

University of Duisburg-Essen

Dilan Aydin Yakut

Central Bank of Ireland & University of Bologn