Presenter list

Presenter name
Knut Are Aastveit Norges Bank View sessions
Gara Afonso Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Hassan Afrouzi University of Texas at Austin View sessions
Maximilian Ahrens University of Oxford View sessions
Ozge Akinci Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Ugo Albertazzi European Central Bank View sessions
Gene Ambrocio Bank of Finland View sessions
Mary Amiti Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Sriya Anbil Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Philippe Andrade Federal Reserve Bank of Boston View sessions
Nikoleta Anesti Bank of England View sessions
Kai Arvai Banque de France View sessions
Guido Ascari De Nederlandsche Bank and University of Pavia View sessions
Sina Asshoff University of Duisburg-Essen View sessions
Dilan Aydin Yakut Central Bank of Ireland & University of Bologn View sessions
Saleem Bahaj UCL and Bank of England View sessions
Benedikt Ballensiefen University of St. Gallen and World Bank Group View sessions
Matthew Baron Cornell University View sessions
Santiago Bazdresch Banco de México View sessions
Katharina Bergant International Monetary Fund View sessions
Huixin Bi Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City View sessions
Nina Biljanovska International Monetary Fund View sessions
Paola Boel Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland View sessions
Dennis Bonam De Nederlandsche Bank View sessions
Diana Bonfim Banco de Portugal, ECB and Católica Lisbon View sessions
Pablo Cuba Borda Federal Reserve Board of Governors View sessions
Olga Briukhova University of Zurich View sessions
Matias Ossandon Busch Center for Latin American Monetary Studies – CEMLA View sessions
Shira Buzaglo-Baris Bank of Israel View sessions
David Byrne Central Bank of Ireland View sessions
Santiago Camara Northwestern University View sessions
Laura Castillo Martinez Duke University View sessions
Paolo Cavallino Bank for International Settlements View sessions
Joyce Chang JPMorgan Chase View sessions
James Chapman Bank of Canada View sessions
Dmitry Chebotarev Indiana University Bloomington View sessions
Fernando Cirelli New York University / Columbia SIPA View sessions
Aoife Claire SAFE and Goethe University Frankfurt View sessions
Gabriela Conde International Monetary Fund View sessions
Adam Copeland Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Marco Del Negro Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Emmanuel Dhyne National Bank of Belgium View sessions
Virginia di Nino European Central Bank View sessions
William Diamond Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania View sessions
Alexander Dietrich Danmarks Nationalbank View sessions
Taeyoung Doh Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City View sessions
Cynthia Doniger Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Thomas Drechsel University of Maryland View sessions
Mathias Drehmann Bank for International Settlements View sessions
Michaela Elfsbacka Schmöller Bank of Finland View sessions
Ragnar Enger Juelsrud Norges Bank View sessions
Amina Enkhbold Bank of Canada View sessions
Egemen Eren Bank for International Settlements View sessions
Vania Esady Bank of England View sessions
Salih Fendoglu International Monetary Fund View sessions
Clodomiro Ferreira Bank of Spain View sessions
Paul Fontanier Yale School of Management View sessions
Martina Fraschini University of Luxembourg View sessions
Jon Frost Bank for International Settlements View sessions
Joshua Frost United States Treasury View sessions
Mishel Ghassibe CREi, UPF and BSE View sessions
Julian Giovanni Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Linda S. Goldberg Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Sebastian Graves Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Alex Grimaud Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien & TU Wien View sessions
Pablo Guerron-Quintana Boston College View sessions
Rafael Guntin University of Rochester View sessions
Neha Gupta Cornell University View sessions
Ina Hajdini Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland View sessions
Martín Harding Bank of Canada View sessions
Rodrigo Heresi Inter-American Development Bank View sessions
Sean Higgins Northwestern University View sessions
Kazuhiro Hiraki Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan View sessions
Peter Hoffmann European Central Bank View sessions
Gee Hee Hong International Monetary Fund View sessions
Christian Höynck Bank of Italy View sessions
Xitong Hui London School of Economics View sessions
Dr. In Do Hwang Bank of Korea View sessions
Björn Imbierowicz Deutsche Bundesbank View sessions
Miguel Iraola Miami Herbert Business School View sessions