Presenter list

Presenter name
Julapa Jagtiani Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia View sessions
Rustam Jamilov All Souls College View sessions
Martina Jasova Barnard College, Columbia University View sessions
Sheila Jiang University of Florida View sessions
Gazi Kabas Tilburg University View sessions
Matthias Kaldorf Deutsche Bundesbank View sessions
Martin Kanz World Bank View sessions
Benjamin Kay Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Michael Kiley Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Divya Kirti International Monetary Fund View sessions
Philipp Klein University of Münster View sessions
Edward Knotek Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland View sessions
Donald Kohn Brookings Institution View sessions
Toshiaki Komatsu National Bank of Belgium View sessions
Iikka Korhonen Bank of Finland View sessions
Julian Kozlowski Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis View sessions
Oleksiy Kryvtsov Bank of Canada View sessions
Marianna Kudlyak Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco View sessions
Merike Kukk Bank of Estonia View sessions
Catherine L Mann Bank of England View sessions
Jean-Paul L'Huillier Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland View sessions
Gabriele La Spada Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Marcello Lanciani European Central Bank View sessions
Carmelo Latino SAFE and Goethe University Frankfurt View sessions
Seung Jung Lee Federal Reserve Board View sessions
John Leer Morning Consult View sessions
Fernando Leibovici Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis View sessions
Karen Lewis University of Pennsylvania View sessions
Yu Li University of Minnesota View sessions
Ernest Liu Princeton University View sessions
Zheng Liu Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco View sessions
Lorie Logan President and CEO Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas View sessions
Juan M. Londono Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Guangli Lu Princeton University View sessions
Stephan Luck Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Irina Luneva The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania View sessions
Yiming Ma Columbia Business School View sessions
Konstantin Makrelov South African Reserve Bank View sessions
Simona Malovaná Czech National Bank View sessions
Jochen Mankart Deustche Bundesbank View sessions
Michal Marenčák National Bank of Slovakia View sessions
Lucas Mariani ERSA and University of Milano-Bicocca View sessions
Joseba Martinez London Business School View sessions
Hidehiko Matsumoto National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies View sessions
Jan Mazza European University Institute View sessions
Peter McAdam Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City View sessions
Ralf Meisenzahl Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago View sessions
Davide Melcangi Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Paolo Mengano University of Zurich View sessions
Kosha Modi Columbia University View sessions
Patricia Mosser Columbia SIPA View sessions
Gernot Mueller University of Tübingen View sessions
Dmitry Mukhin London School of Economics View sessions
Karsten Müller National University of Singapore View sessions
Piroska Nagy Mohacsi LSE London School of Economics View sessions
Filippo Natoli Bank of Italy View sessions
Genevieve Nelson Danmarks Nationalbank View sessions
Anna Nordstrom Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Alan Olivi University College London View sessions
Conny Olovsson ECB, Sveriges Riksbank View sessions
Álvaro Ortiz BBVA Research View sessions
Guillermo Ortiz Former Governor of the Bank of Mexico and Treasurer of the Group of 30 View sessions
Daniel Ostry Bank of England View sessions
Gurnain Pasricha International Monetary Fund View sessions
Gonzalo Paz-Pardo European Central Bank View sessions
Bruno Pellegrino University of Maryland View sessions
Diego Perez New York University View sessions
Soledad Martinez Peria International Monetary Fund (IMF) View sessions
Philipp Pfeiffer European Commission, DG ECFIN View sessions
Myroslav Pidkuyko Banco de España View sessions
Ekaterina Pirozhkova South African Reserve Bank and University of Pretoria View sessions
Massimiliano Pisani Bank of Italy View sessions
Matthew Plosser Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Olga Ponomarenko Caplight View sessions
Pedro Gomis Porqueras Queensland University of Technology View sessions
Sofia Priazhkina Bank of Canada View sessions
Romanos Priftis European Central Bank View sessions
Imène Rahmouni-Rousseau European Central Bank View sessions
Rodney Ramcharan Marshall School of Business View sessions
Ryan Rholes University of Oxford View sessions