Presenter list

Presenter name
Rob Rich Center for Inflation Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland View sessions
Björn Richter Universitat Pompeu Fabra View sessions
Daniel Ringo Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Anna Rogantini Picco Sveriges Riksbank View sessions
Ciaran Rogers HEC Paris View sessions
Marco Rojas Banco Central de Chile View sessions
Jose Vincente Romero Banco de la República View sessions
Sharon Ross Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Similan Rujiwattanapong Waseda University/CFM View sessions
Daniel Sámano Banco de México View sessions
Emiliano Santoro Catholic University of Milan View sessions
Sergey Sarkisyan University of Pennsylvania View sessions
Andreas Schaab Toulouse School of Economics View sessions
Carina Schlam Deutsche Bundesbank View sessions
Sebastian Schmidt European Central Bank View sessions
Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe Columbia University View sessions
Raphael Schoenle Brandeis University View sessions
Jesse Schreger Columbia University View sessions
Daniela Scidá Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond View sessions
Alessandro Scopelliti KU Leuven View sessions
Lee Seltzer Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Enrico Sette Banca d’Italia View sessions
Leslie Shen Federal Reserve Bank of Boston View sessions
Xuguang Simon Sheng American University View sessions
Andre Silva Banco de Portugal and Nova SBE View sessions
Dejanir H. Silva Purdue University View sessions
Sanjay Singh University of California at Davis View sessions
Sonalika Sinha Reserve Bank of India View sessions
Colby Smith Financial Times View sessions
Simon Smith Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Ulf Söderström Sveriges Riksbank View sessions
Luchelle Soobyah South African Reserve Bank View sessions
Oscar Soons DNB, Dutch Central Bank View sessions
Tsvetana Spasova University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland View sessions
Sascha Steffen Frankfurt School of Finance & Management View sessions
Ludwig Straub Harvard University View sessions
Rebecca Stuart University of Neuchatel, Switzerland View sessions
Martin Stuermer International Monetary Fund View sessions
Matthias Sydow European Central Bank View sessions
Jenny Tang Federal Reserve Bank of Boston View sessions
Alan M. Taylor Columbia University View sessions
Tammaro Terracciano IESE Business School View sessions
Alexandre Tombini Bank for International Settlements View sessions
Jagdish Tripathy Bank of England View sessions
Eric Tsang Hong Kong Monetary Authority View sessions
Nitzan Tzur-Ilan Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas View sessions
Mauricio Ulate Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco View sessions
Andrew Usher Bank of Canada View sessions
Valerio Vacca Banca d’Italia View sessions
Vivian van Breemen European Central Bank & Nyenrode Business Universiteit View sessions
Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh Columbia University Graduate School of Business View sessions
Clara Vega Federal Reserve Board View sessions
Luisa Wall Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies View sessions
Michael Weber Chicago Booth View sessions
Colin Weiss Federal Reserve Board View sessions
David Wiczer Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta View sessions
John Williams President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York View sessions
Jiahua Xu The DLT Science Foundation and University College London View sessions
Yucheng Yang Princeton University and University of Zurich View sessions
James Yetman Bank for International Settlements View sessions
Pawel Zabczyk International Monetary Fund View sessions
Leanne Si Ying Zhang BIS Innovation Hub View sessions
Haonan Zhou Princeton University View sessions
Thomas Zoerner Oesterreichische Nationalbank View sessions