The Effects of Monetary Policy in Economic Models with Heterogeneous Agents


Session organised by European Central Bank

Type Length Chair Room Number Add to calendar
Contributed 07/07 08:00 EDT
IAB 402B
Add to Calendar 2023-07-07 08:00:00 2023-07-07 10:00:00 CEBRA 2023: The Effects of Monetary Policy in Economic Models with Heterogeneous Agents. Room: IAB 402B Session organised by European Central Bank Session organised by European Central Bank CEBRA 2023 America/New_York public
Presenter(s) Chair(s)
Rustam Jamilov Gernot Mueller Gonzalo Paz-Pardo Michael Weber Gonzalo Paz-Pardo


(Listed in order of presenters above)

HBANK: Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Banks

Read paper

United in Diversity: A HANK2 model of currency unions

Read paper

Distributional effects of inflation in the euro area

Inclusive Monetary Policy: How Tight Labor Markets Facilitate Broad-Based Employment Growth

Read paper


HBANK: Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Banks

United in Diversity: A HANK2 model of currency unions

Distributional effects of inflation in the euro area

Inclusive Monetary Policy: How Tight Labor Markets Facilitate Broad-Based Employment Growth