Macroeconomics and Inequality


Session organised by Norges Bank

Type Length Chair Room Number Add to calendar
Contributed 06/07 10:30 EDT
IAB 403
Add to Calendar 2023-07-06 10:30:00 2023-07-06 12:30:00 CEBRA 2023: Macroeconomics and Inequality. Room: IAB 403 Session organised by Norges Bank Session organised by Norges Bank CEBRA 2023 America/New_York public
Presenter(s) Discussant(s) Chair(s)
Ragnar Enger Juelsrud Xitong Hui Daniel Ringo Nitzan Tzur-Ilan Davide Melcangi Jagdish Tripathy Knut Are Aastveit


(Listed in order of presenters above)

The Housing Channel of Inter-Generational Wealth Persistence

Read paper

Asset Prices, Welfare Inequality, and Leverage

Read paper

Monetary Policy and Home Buying Inequality


The Housing Channel of Inter-Generational Wealth Persistence

Asset Prices, Welfare Inequality, and Leverage

Monetary Policy and Home Buying Inequality