Active Participants

Julapa Jagtiani

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia

Julapa Jagtiani is Senior Economic Advisor and Economist at the FRB Philadelphia. She is also Central Bank Research Fellow at the BIS. At the Fed, Dr. Jagtiani has participated and led several supervisory policy projects – most recently, focusing on fintech innovations and related activities. Her influential research papers have been published in top journals. Julapa received her MBA and PhD in Finance from NYU Stern School of Business, where she held the Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship.

Rustam Jamilov

All Souls College

Martina Jasova

Barnard College, Columbia University

Sheila Jiang

University of Florida

Sheila Jiang is an assistant professor of finance at the University of Florida, Warrington College of Business. Her main research interest is empirical studies of banking and corporate finance. Her work covers topics including banks' lending technology in the info age and its implications, debt contracts features and its real impact, and the impact of banking globalization on emerging market economies.

Gazi Kabas

Tilburg University

Matthias Kaldorf

Deutsche Bundesbank

Martin Kanz

World Bank

Benjamin Kay

Federal Reserve Board

Benjamin Kay is a principal economist in the Policy Effectiveness and Assessment section with the Federal Reserve’s Division of Supervision and Regulation. Previously he worked as an economist in the US Treasury’s Office of Financial Research. He has also worked as policy advisor in the US Treasury’s Office of State and Local Finance where he assisted in the government response to Hurricane Maria and as a quantitative risk manager for Bank of America and Morgan Stanley.

Michael Kiley

Federal Reserve Board

Divya Kirti

International Monetary Fund

Divya Kirti is an Economist in the Research Department at the International Monetary Fund. Previously, he worked in the Middle East and Central Asia Department. He holds a Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University. His research interests include financial intermediation, macrofinance, and corporate finance. His work has been published in the Review of Financial Studies, the Journal of Financial Intermediation and the Journal of Banking & Finance.

Philipp Klein

University of Münster

Edward Knotek

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Donald Kohn

Brookings Institution

Toshiaki Komatsu

National Bank of Belgium

Iikka Korhonen

Bank of Finland

Julian Kozlowski

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Oleksiy Kryvtsov

Bank of Canada

Marianna Kudlyak

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Merike Kukk

Bank of Estonia

Dr. Merike Kukk is senior economist at Eesti Pank and senior researcher at Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech). She was the head of the master program in Applied Economics at TalTech until 2023 and since 2020, she is visiting research fellow at Aalto University (Finland). She participates in Horizon 2020 research grant on Individual Behaviour and Economic Performance (IBEP) as a co-leader of a work package that focuses on individuals’ borrowing, saving and investment decisions.

Catherine L Mann

Bank of England

Dr Catherine L Mann was appointed to the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England on 1 September 2021 for a three-year term. Dr. Mann is a Professor of the Practice at Brandeis University. She contributes to the research program of The Productivity Institute and is a Science Advisor to the European Investment Bank. She is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the American Economic Association, among others.

Jean-Paul L'Huillier

Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Gabriele La Spada

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Marcello Lanciani

European Central Bank

Carmelo Latino

SAFE and Goethe University Frankfurt

I am a Ph.D. student in Finance at the Goethe University of Frankfurt, working on topics in ESG ratings, sustainable finance, and investors' preferences for green assets.

Seung Jung Lee

Federal Reserve Board

John Leer

Morning Consult

Fernando Leibovici

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

Karen Lewis

University of Pennsylvania

Karen K. Lewis is Professor of Finance at the Wharton School and Professor of Economics (secondary) at the Economics Department, Univ of Pennsylvania. She is also a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and a Research Fellow for the Centre for Economic Policy Research. Prior to joining Penn, she was on faculty at New York University. She has been on the editorial boards of academic journals, and consultant/visiting professor at various central banks and universities.

Yu Li

University of Minnesota

Finance PhD at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Ernest Liu

Princeton University

Zheng Liu

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Lorie Logan

President and CEO Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Juan M. Londono

Federal Reserve Board

Guangli Lu

Princeton University

Stephan Luck

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Irina Luneva

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Accounting at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. I earned Bachelor of Economics at Lomonosov Moscow State University in Russia and joined Wharton in 2019.

I study financial information and how it is used by different economic agents: corporations that disclose and learn information, equity holders, credit providers, and regulators.

Yiming Ma

Columbia Business School

Konstantin Makrelov

South African Reserve Bank

Simona Malovaná

Czech National Bank

Simona Malovaná is Director of the Financial Research Division at the Czech National Bank. She holds a PhD from Charles University in Prague.

Her fields of interest include financial stability, macroprudential and monetary policy, economic modeling, wealth and income inequality, as well as climate risks.

Jochen Mankart

Deustche Bundesbank

Jochen Mankart joined the Research Centre of the Deutsche Bundesbank in 2014. Since 2018, he heads the Banking and Finance group in the Research Centre. Before that, he worked as an assistant professor at the University of St. Gallen Switzerland.
His research interests are in the fields of quantitative models of banking, expectations and house prices, labour economics, and consumer and entrepreneurial default models. He has published in leading journals such as the RES, JME and others.

Michal Marenčák

National Bank of Slovakia

Michal is a senior economist at the National Bank of Slovakia in the forecasting and modelling division. His research interests are macroeconomics and monetary economics, in particular price dynamics and inflation expectations. Michal holds a PhD from the University of Konstanz, Germany. In 2018, he was one of the finalists of the Young economists’ competition at the ECB Forum on Central Banking in Sintra.

Lucas Mariani

ERSA and University of Milano-Bicocca

Lucas Mariani holds a PhD in Economics from the University of North Carolina, a Masters degree from the University of Sao Paulo, and a bachelor’s degree from the Sao Paulo School of Economics. He has been a Policy Associate at Economic Research Southern Africa and a Research Fellow at the University of Milano-Bicocca since 2021. His research interests include and draw together finance, development economics, and firm dynamics, especially the effects of fintech usage and financial development.

Joseba Martinez

London Business School

Hidehiko Matsumoto

National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies

Jan Mazza

European University Institute

Peter McAdam

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City

Ralf Meisenzahl

Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Davide Melcangi

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Paolo Mengano

University of Zurich

I am a PhD Candidate at the University of Zurich. My research interests lie at the intersection of macroeconomics, industrial organization, and labor economics. I will join Harvard Business School as a Postdoctoral Fellow for the academic year 2023/24 and Esade Business School as an Assistant Professor in September 2024.

Kosha Modi

Columbia University

I am a rising fifth year Ph.D. candidate in the Economics Department of Columbia University. I am interested in macro-finance and monetary economics.

Patricia Mosser

Columbia SIPA

Gernot Mueller

University of Tübingen

Dmitry Mukhin

London School of Economics

Karsten Müller

National University of Singapore

Karsten Müller is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the National University of Singapore's Business School. His research focuses on the intersection of finance, macroeconomics, and political economy. His current research mostly focuses on the connection between credit markets and the macroeconomy. His work has been widely cited in international media outlets. Müller received his PhD from the University of Warwick.

Piroska Nagy Mohacsi

LSE London School of Economics

Filippo Natoli

Bank of Italy

I am a Senior Economist at the International Economics Directorate of the Bank of Italy, just back from a visiting scholarship at UC Berkeley. My research focuses on empirical macroeconomic and finance topics, with a focus on monetary and fiscal policy and on the economics of climate change. I hold a PhD in Economics from LUISS University of Rome, Italy.

Genevieve Nelson

Danmarks Nationalbank

Anna Nordstrom

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Alan Olivi

University College London

Conny Olovsson

ECB, Sveriges Riksbank

Álvaro Ortiz

BBVA Research

Head of the Big Data Analysis unit at BBVA Research and Adjunct Professor at IE Business School.
My research interests include applied Macroeconomics, Monetary & Fiscal Policies issues using Big Data.
We have presented our Research an NBER, AEA-ASSA, CEPR, SEDs and several co-hosted Central Banks Conferences and Seminars.
I hold a PhD from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Advanced Diploma in International Economics and Policy Research by the Kiel Institute of World Economics (IFW)

Guillermo Ortiz

Former Governor of the Bank of Mexico and Treasurer of the Group of 30

Daniel Ostry

Bank of England

Gurnain Pasricha

International Monetary Fund

Gurnain K. Pasricha is a Senior Financial Sector Expert in the Monetary and Capital Markets Department. Prior to joining the Fund in 2019, she was a Principal Economist at Bank of Canada. She has also held visiting positions at Bank for International Settlements and Hong Kong Institute for Monetary Research. Her research interests are in international finance, open economy macroeconomics and financial stability.

Gonzalo Paz-Pardo

European Central Bank

Bruno Pellegrino

University of Maryland

Diego Perez

New York University

Soledad Martinez Peria

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

Philipp Pfeiffer

European Commission, DG ECFIN

Myroslav Pidkuyko

Banco de España

Ekaterina Pirozhkova

South African Reserve Bank and University of Pretoria

Massimiliano Pisani

Bank of Italy

Matthew Plosser

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Olga Ponomarenko


Olga is the Head of quantitative analytics at Caplight. Caplight is on a mission to improve liquidity and transparency in the secondary Venture Capital market. Prior to Caplight Olga worked as a quant at Barclays. She started her career as an economist covering Russia at Citi and EBRD.

Pedro Gomis Porqueras

Queensland University of Technology

Pedro is currently a Professor of Economics at Queensland University of Technology. His research interests lie at the intersection of macroeconomics and finance, which stresses the need to understand the interaction between the financial side of the economy and the rest of the economy. Mainstream macroeconomics has neglected some important aspects of finance.

Sofia Priazhkina

Bank of Canada

Romanos Priftis

European Central Bank

Imène Rahmouni-Rousseau

European Central Bank

Rodney Ramcharan

Marshall School of Business

Ryan Rholes

University of Oxford