Active Participants

Rob Rich

Center for Inflation Research, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

Björn Richter

Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Daniel Ringo

Federal Reserve Board

Anna Rogantini Picco

Sveriges Riksbank

Ciaran Rogers

HEC Paris

Ciaran Rogers is Assistant Professor of Finance at HEC Paris, which he joined in 2023. He obtained a PhD in Economics from Stanford University in 2022, and subsequently became a post-doctoral fellow of CeMoF (Center for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability) in Stockholm for one year. He received his BA in Economics from Cambridge University in 2012, worked as a fixed income trader at Morgan Stanley in London until 2015, and then received his MSc in Economics from the London School of Economic

Marco Rojas

Banco Central de Chile

Jose Vincente Romero

Banco de la República

Sharon Ross

Federal Reserve Board

Similan Rujiwattanapong

Waseda University/CFM

Daniel Sámano

Banco de México

Emiliano Santoro

Catholic University of Milan

Sergey Sarkisyan

University of Pennsylvania

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. My research interests include financial intermediation, monetary policy, and payment technologies. My recent research studies how introduction of instant payment systems impacts banks and competition for deposits.

Andreas Schaab

Toulouse School of Economics

Carina Schlam

Deutsche Bundesbank

Sebastian Schmidt

European Central Bank

I'm a Principal Economist in the Monetary Policy Research Division at the European Central Bank and a CEPR Research Affiliate. My main fields of interest are monetary economics and open economy macro. My current research focuses on the interactions between monetary and fiscal policy.

Tim Schmidt-Eisenlohr

Federal Reserve Board

Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe

Columbia University

Raphael Schoenle

Brandeis University

Jesse Schreger

Columbia University

Daniela Scidá

Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

I am a Manager Financial Economist in the Quantitative Supervision & Research (QSR) group of the Richmond FRB. Before joining the Fed in 2016, I completed my Ph.D. in Economics at Brown University. My research interests are in applied econometrics, financial networks, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) methods. Currently, I lead an innovation project for supervision that leverages NLP methods and, previously, I was co-leading a team in the Stress Testing Program.

Alessandro Scopelliti

KU Leuven

Lee Seltzer

Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Enrico Sette

Banca d’Italia

I am a director in the Structural Economic Analysis Directorate of the Bank of Italy. My research and policy interests focus in the areas of financial intermediation and corporate finance. My work has been published in several academic journals including the Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of the European Economic Association, Economic Journal. I hold a PhD in Economics from the London School of Economics.

Leslie Shen

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Xuguang Simon Sheng

American University

Xuguang Simon Sheng is a Professor of Economics at American University. His research interests include time series econometrics, machine learning, monetary policy, fiscal policy, forecasting, measuring uncertainty and survey expectations. He has published in Journal of Econometrics and Review of Economics and Statistics. He has served as an associate editor for International Journal of Forecasting and Oxford Open Economics, and a co-organizer of eight international conferences.

Andre Silva

Banco de Portugal and Nova SBE

Dejanir H. Silva

Purdue University

Sanjay Singh

University of California at Davis

Sonalika Sinha

Reserve Bank of India

Colby Smith

Financial Times

Simon Smith

Federal Reserve Board

Dr Smith is a Senior Economist in the Prices and Wages section of the Division of Research and Statistics at the Federal Reserve Board. Prior to joining the Board, Smith was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Economics at the University of Southern California. Smith holds a Ph.D. in Financial Economics from the University of Bristol.

Ulf Söderström

Sveriges Riksbank

Luchelle Soobyah

South African Reserve Bank

Oscar Soons

DNB, Dutch Central Bank

Oscar Soons works as an economist in the monetary policy department at De Nederlandsche Bank (the Dutch central bank, DNB). Prior to that, he worked at the European Central Bank on the financial stability implications of a digital euro. He holds a PhD and an MPhil in Economics from the University of Amsterdam and the Tinbergen Institute. In his research he studies central bank digital currency, banks and the European Monetary Union.

Tsvetana Spasova

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland

Sascha Steffen

Frankfurt School of Finance & Management

Ludwig Straub

Harvard University

Rebecca Stuart

University of Neuchatel, Switzerland

Martin Stuermer

International Monetary Fund

Matthias Sydow

European Central Bank

Matthias Sydow joined the ECB in 2004 and is currently Team Lead within the Stress Test Modelling Division of the ECB. In this role, he analyses the interconnectedness in the financial system, climate risk and the link between monetary policy and financial stability. He holds a PhD in Economics from Goethe University Frankfurt and postgraduate degrees in Economics and Business Administration from Bertolt-Brecht University of Augsburg.

Jenny Tang

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston

Alan M. Taylor

Columbia University

Tammaro Terracciano

IESE Business School

Alexandre Tombini

Bank for International Settlements

Jagdish Tripathy

Bank of England

Eric Tsang

Hong Kong Monetary Authority

Nitzan Tzur-Ilan

Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas

Mauricio Ulate

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

Mauricio Ulate is a Senior Economist at the SF Federal Reserve Bank. He joined the Bank in August 2019 after attaining his PhD in Economics at UC Berkeley. Mauricio’s research interests lie in monetary policy, negative nominal interest rates, macro-financial interactions, central bank digital currency, and international trade with nominal rigidities. Mauricio has published in top academic journals including the American Economic Review and Brookings Papers in Economic Activity

Andrew Usher

Bank of Canada

Valerio Vacca

Banca d’Italia

Vivian van Breemen

European Central Bank & Nyenrode Business Universiteit

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh

Columbia University Graduate School of Business

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh is the Earle W. Kazis and Benjamin Schore Professor of Real Estate and Professor of Finance at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Business, which he joined in July 2018. His research lies in the intersection of housing, asset pricing, and macroeconomics.

Clara Vega

Federal Reserve Board

Clara Vega is special advisor to Governor Jefferson and assistant director in the Division of Research and Statistics at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. She is co-editor of the Journal of Financial Markets. Her research focuses on price discovery, monetary policy, market liquidity, and over the counter markets. Her research has been published in the American Economic Review, Journal of Finance, and other journals. She holds a Ph. D. degree in Economics from University of Pennsylvania.

Luisa Wall

Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies

Michael Weber

Chicago Booth

Colin Weiss

Federal Reserve Board

David Wiczer

Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

John Williams

President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York

Jiahua Xu

The DLT Science Foundation and University College London

Yucheng Yang

Princeton University and University of Zurich

James Yetman

Bank for International Settlements

Pawel Zabczyk

International Monetary Fund

Leanne Si Ying Zhang

BIS Innovation Hub

Thomas Zoerner

Oesterreichische Nationalbank